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“Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall” Review: Jenna Ortega’s Romance Will Make You Scream

I have never felt such strong opposition as I did while watching the film’s central romance. Winter Spring Summer Autumn.

Guided by Wednesday Co-stars Jenna Ortega and Percy Hynes White He won’t be returning for season 2), Winter Spring Summer Autumn Apparently they think they’re Gen Z. Before sunriseTwo unlikely people meet on a train, and so begins a romance that’s sure to end soon, with one of them heading off to college in the fall.

but also Winter Spring Summer AutumnThe timeline is one year longer Before sunriseOne night, it feel It’s too long, and the cliched teen romance story and awkward dialogue don’t help, as the hackneyed characterizations and “meetings” riddled with red flags take this movie from mediocre to downright painful to watch.


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what Winter Spring Summer Autumn about?

It will be held over four days, one day for each season of the year. Winter Spring Summer Autumn is the story of Remy (Ortega), an overachiever, and Barnes (Hinds White), a slacker. The two first meet one winter day while they’re both riding a train to New York City. But they actually run into each other earlier, when Barnes spies on Remy from his neighbor’s roof. Remy is outside smoking a cigarette, having just finished an interview for the prestigious Google Fellowship that Barnes has been awarded. Remy was the (bad) boy and Barnes was the (good) girl. Can we make it any clearer?

Given Burns’ earlier voyeuristic behavior, and even following Lemmy to a train car, it’s not reassuring that the first words he says to Lemmy are, “I’m not a stalker.” However self-deprecating Hynes-White may be in his delivery, the encounter gives the impression that Lemmy has met a man who won’t take “no” for an answer.

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Things only get worse from there, when Barnes comments that Remy’s “Hispanicness” will help her get into college, and, understandably hurt by the comment, he plays a Talking Heads playlist (she’s too preoccupied with school to have ever heard of Talking Heads). Remy finally ends the relationship after Barnes asks her out on a date and ends up in the emergency room, but the damage is already done; Barnes’s persistence has worked its way into Remy’s heart. By the time they meet again at prom later that spring, Remy likes Barnes even more, and the two begin dating.


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Winter Spring Summer AutumnThe romance feels like horror.

The lead up to Remy and Barnes’ first kiss is littered with warning signs, including when Barnes takes them to a sushi restaurant and, for some reason, has to park his car in a dark alley. “If you kill me, your parents will kill you,” Remy jokes. Get out! This guy’s a stalker now. Don’t add to his criminal record.

Winter Spring Summer Autumn Burns is portrayed as a sort of Manic Pixie dream boy who broadens Remy’s horizons: He introduces her to Talking Heads, explains to her about the New York City subway, plants the idea of ​​a gap year in her head, and ruins her perfectly planned path from Harvard to circuit court judge. Winter Spring Summer Autumn Although he tries to make Burns seem cute, there is an underlying evil nature to his actions.

Take the scene where he drives Remy to his house after a sushi date, without telling her where they’re going. Remy is uncomfortable with the idea of ​​going there and the sexual expectations that come with it. He assures her that’s not what he plans to do, but how is Remy supposed to know? How is the audience supposed to know, anyway? We’ve seen him spy on her, pick her up on a train, and pursue her despite her reluctance. He slowly pushes her boundaries, to the point where Remy’s free will seems more like an illusion than an active choice. The only reactions the film allows Ortega in these scenes are a smug chuckle or a smile, completely underplaying the star power we’ve seen her have in films like Star Wars: Episode I: The Last Jedi. scream and Wednesday.

As their relationship begins in earnest, Winter Spring Summer Autumn becomes an entirely different movie. Gone are the borderline awkward courtship scenes, replaced with familiar teen movie melodrama: worries about college, tensions with parents, and the consequences of drunk driving. Here, Remy and Burns come across as completely different people than we met earlier in the film; Burns seems to have lost all his slacker energy, while Remy has gained a new recklessness. Maybe they’ve changed each other, but we don’t see their relationship well enough to figure that out. Of course, that may be a relief, given the tortured process through which they met. Winter Spring Summer Autumn This isn’t the kind of romance you want to spend a year together in. An hour and a half is more than enough.

Winter Spring Summer Autumn The film’s world premiere at the 2024 TriBeCa Film Festival has been canceled due to review. A release date has yet to be determined.

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